Category : Email Delivery

No, We don’t allow bulk or promotional emails on our platform. Aritic Mail focuses only on transactional emails. Hence, we see much higher engagement when compared with those who also send marketing and transactional both emails. Inbox providers like Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail and others consider engagement as the top key point to ensure Inbox ..

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Email sending limit is always controlled as hourly, daily and monthly allowed volume. Your account has to qualify for the speed upgrade on our platform, The email speed upgrade is based on the quality of email content, bounce emails, spam complaints mark, domain reputation and most importantly manual review by our email delivery experts. Our system ..

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  A bounce message, also known a Non-Delivery Report/Receipt (NDR) sender receives in response because of various reasons. On the top level, There can be two categories of bounces – Soft bounce and hard bounce. When an email hard bounces, it means a permanent bounce error 5.XXX.XXX that has been returned to the sender and ..

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Aritic Mail is a  pure transactional email system where list management is never a requirement for any transactional email system. Aritic Mail has bounce webhooks available to notify you each bounce events programmatically as and when they occur. We don’t have the export option for the bounce list, however, the bounce data can also be seen ..

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Bounces are responses received from the receipt SMTP server and categorized as INTERNAL, SOFT and HARD. There are multiple reasons for bounces such as “user unknown”, “over quota”, “network rejection” etc. Spam complaint is triggered by receipt end, the mailbox providers such as Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail provide the option such as a button to their user ..

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When we do email troubleshoot, first consider the message status like it was sent successfully, bounced, delivered in the spam folder or even it is still in the queue. Sometimes the message has been stored in “Sent” directory on the sender, but the customer never received it. Aritic Mail has a dynamic dashboard where a ..

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First of all, Aritic Mail ensures that before you start sending emails you are asked to configure proper SPF, DKIM and Return path records in your DNS and verification option at your dashboard. These are the mandatory records required to fully compliant as the sender. Troubleshooting email delivery has lot many things to be done ..

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