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How to use Progressive Profiling

Progressive profiling makes your forms attractive by asking for the most relevant information that you have not received yet. This way your contacts won’t feel overwhelmed by long forms and they save their time by answering only unanswered and relevant questions.

Using Aritic PinPoint, you can do Progressive Profiling on your incoming leads through Aritic PinPoint forms. Progressive Profiling enables you to collect lead information one by one over time and helps your lead with a facility to fill form information through drip data collection. This feature also allows marketers not to ask target leads to fill same details again and again through online forms.

Progressive Profiling helps to improve the form conversion rate.


There are 2 possible ways how you can configure a form field to display only when needed. The configuration is in the Behavior tab in the field configuration form.

To use Progressive Profiling inside Aritic Pinpoint forms, go to Assets – Forms – Create a new form – and, under fields options, update the “Behavior” tab; which in turn activates progressive profiling on the form field.

It’s recommended to use the email field in each form.

Display field only if the value is not known yet

Aritic will search for value in 2 places before the form is rendered for the current contact:

  • Former form submissions

Aritic will search for the field value in the former form submissions of the current lead. If a value is found, the field might be hidden if configured so. There are limitations of the search history.

  • Contact profile values

If the form field is linked with a contact field, Aritic will check if there is a value in the contact’s profile and hides the field if configured so.

Display field only after X submissions.

If you want to ask a contact additional questions on the second form load, you can specify so for each lead. It works nicely with hiding fields which you already know the answer to. For the first submission, the contact can be asked to fill in the First and the Last name. When he comes the second time, the First and the Last name fields will be hidden, and instead, she’ll be asked to fill in her Company and Phone.

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