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How to connect Facebook Page?

 How to connect Facebook Page? 

When will you going to  Use Aritic PinPoint platform at here you can also use the Facebook for your marketing advertisement and once you connect your Facebook account on Aritic PinPoint then here you can see all the activities of your Facebook account. when post your something then you able to see that who have Like , Comment, Share, Views and numbers of activities you see at one platform in  Aritic PinPoint.

For this you need to follow the below steps:

1. On the top right corner of Aritic PinPoint Dashboard, go to Settings > Plugins .

2. Click on “Basic Setting

3. Click on “SOCIAL” 

4. Click on “Facebook ” 

5. Click on “CONNECT

6. Click on “Facebook popup page”

6.1. Once you click on “CONNECT WITH FACEBOOK” pop up, it will redirect to the login page.

6.2. Log in  with your Facebook account and and click on “Save” >> “Allow”.

6.3. Here your Facebook page will appears on Aritic PinPoint and you can able to see all activities of your Facebook account.

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