Making Use of Contact Tags

Are you still wary of the tags in your marketing campaign? Then here is a guide that deals with everything you need to know about tags in Aritic PinPoint. 

Tags date their existence back to the early 2000s; they were used to organize, or we can say, segment, and categorize the contacts. Primarily, tags were used to have a deeper level of segmentation and go beyond the available traditional marketing services. Now, the tags have evolved since their origination, and they are more than just achieving their fundamental purpose, here is what more they can do:

custom fields vs tags

Moreover, this guide will unveil the types of tags and a naming convention. Keep scrolling to know how you can use tags to make your work more productive and more manageable.

3 Functions Of Tags In Aritic PinPoint

Tags exhibit important contact data without much hassle. The best part is that your contacts are not able to see the tags, only you can view them and use them for internal contact records.

With this information, you can seamlessly segment and target your contacts. Generally speaking, tags either make you stay organized or cause an action; mostly, both.  In Aritic PinPoint, these are the three main functions of the tags:

(1) Organization

Tags intend to help with organization, and the case is no different in Aritic PinPoint. You can smoothly filter your contact database and can also view tags on individual contact records. This shows you a clear picture of your contact’s journey which itself is an answer to a lot of questions Also, by using tags, you can go through the contact’s recent activity stream and find crucial information, without having to scroll through the contacts every single time.


(2) Serving as start triggers

The addition or removal of tags is considered the criteria for start triggers, It depends on how you configure them i.e., who enters your automation and how often. 

(3) Conditions

We have talked about it multiple times that through tags, you can segment your contacts. That makes it feasible to target a certain audience.

Here are two ways through which you can pretty easily target contacts:

  1. Via automation – they are already set to engage a segmented audience based on the start trigger chosen by you
  2. Maximize the tag’s benefit by sending relevant messages in the one-off campaigns by creating dynamic content

For instance, inside the Aritic PinPoint automation campaign builder, you can trigger an automation campaign based on Contact Tags. You need to first launch the automation campaign builder, select a segment, and then click on Condition > Contact Tag > Add the tag you want to use for the campaign. 

contact tags automation

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You can even use tags to showcase dynamic content on third-party integrations


Naming your tags: The conventional method

Now that you know how convenient tags could be, let us tell you something more about it. This is about a responsible way to approach tags while being simple. It means that we need you to know what naming strategy is and what are its effects.

Though you have the liberty to name a tag in any manner, it does not mean that you necessarily do that. Because, one – without any relation of the name and type of list, you are soon going to obsess over names. And two, naming tags without a proper method makes it more difficult to remember why you created a certain tag.  So to save you from such perplexing situations, we have created a naming convention. Commonly, users name a tag as a result of one of these scenarios. So after this, you will get a fair idea as to how to name your tag.

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Keep in mind that you should avoid special characters like hyphens (-), underscores (_), and colons (:).



This is mainly to indicate where your contacts migrated from. Did you import them from a source, typically a mail provider, called XYZ? Ideally, you should be associating one source per contact.  So, if XYZ has your contacts in several lists and you decide to import them, then it is best to give them the same name as the segment. 


Another way to name your tags is based on the status that indicates your contact behavior; that is, based on the engagement like click-through rates, open rate, etc., you can name the tags.

You can even classify based on the actions taken on the email, that is, is the contact’s email address confirmed, did they unsubscribe or did they leave too quickly (bounced). These are some metrics based on which you can categorize and name your tags accordingly. This can also help you enhance your deliverability rate.

Although Aritic PinPoint will automatically track the data, it is you who has to name the tags. And even if you automate segmenting, you will notice that you do not get to segment according to the engagement.

You can segment according to the tags that the contacts have or not have.

Example: Here are some names that you can give based on the engagement:

  • Unconfirmed
  • 30 days not engaged
  • 60 days no purchase made

Though you can assign more than one tag to a contact, it does not make much sense. So you certainly have to remove the previously applied tag and then give it a new name.

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This is called swapping and it only makes it more transparent for you to identify your contacts according to the name provided on the tag.



These are the tags that specify a particular action taken. Not to confuse this from the status metric, the one we discussed above; the trigger is referred to when something makes contact to take a certain action. Generally, these are the actions that you expect contact to repeat over time. So, when they complete a particular action, the trigger tag is removed from their contact record.

In short, these tags are temporary. Example: The tag could be named as “TRIGGER – New Purchase”. This makes the contact enter into automation, every single time they make a new purchase. Now for that to work, the first action in that particular automation must remove that tag. Then, when the contact makes a purchase in the future, they will re-enter the automation. These tags usually are synced with third-party apps that integrate with Aritic PinPoint. Furthermore, the user can enhance the usage of trigger-related tags to send a contact from one automation to another. For that, you can simply insert the “Start automation” immediately followed by the addition of trigger related tag.


It is advisable that every business has product-related tags. This lets you segment customers on the grounds of the purchase made by them. This is known to be the most viable option any business can opt for. This even lets you assign multiple product tags to contacts at a time.

Example: one of your contacts can have “PRODUCT Online Class” and “PRODUCT Sweatshirt” at the same time. 

Many Aritic PinPoint users prefer to have a separate customer segment. This way, it gets convenient for them to carry out mass campaigns. If you wish to use a customer tag, which is a separate group of contacts who have paid you, the easiest way you can opt for is applying this tag in an action step in automation. Now, if you are not using a customer segment, you can assign them a tag called “CUSTOMER” right after they make a purchase.

Even, you can go further with targeting them, based on their buying pattern. Example: PRODUCT – Novel, PRODUCT-Stationery, PRODUCT-Mobile Accessory.


These signify any action taken by the contacts. Such as “downloaded white paper” or “attended the webinar” or something that shows a contact’s behavior. Now, this is not necessary that only the above examples would fit perfectly for your business needs. That is why your tags can differ from the ones mentioned, but that has to be relevant.

For instance, below are the tags added to a contact inside Aritic PinPoint that downloaded our ma-selection guide and filled up the contact form, along with other relevant tags. 

source tags


Tags are an imperative and versatile feature in Aritic PinPoint. You can use them to start a contact’s journey in automation, display essential information about them, and show or hide relevant content. This is not only doable for your business but is also useful to provide your contacts with the most relevant content. Tags are not, and should not be perceived as a cumbersome process. That is just to organize your contacts in a better way and get productive outcomes. In a nutshell, tags tell you about a contact in the shortest way possible.