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On-site Campaign Pop up Widgets

When the visitor will visit your website and want to catch some information about them to get genuine leads/contact a website visitor. then you can use On-site Website to get leads from pop-up messages.

Follow the below steps, on how to use the On-site- campaign:

1. Click on the Aritic PinPoint dashboard.

2. Click on Campaigns >> Click on On-Site- Campaign.

When you will click on the On-site campaigns button it will redirect to its page.

3. At the right side corner of the page, Click on “New”.

4. Enter the required field and Click on the “Builder” button.

5. Click on “Collect data”.

6. When you will click on collect data, you will able to see that at “when to engage”. Click on here and select “Click an element”.

7.  At the Element id to enable the click event, you need to put the element id from the alignment page. To get the Element id go to your website page and inspect the respected on-site page(alignment) link.

Note:- If you don’t have an element id then you will need to add it manually in the HTML code on the WordPress website and the Element id you need to put it in the Aritic PinPoint Element id place.  If you are adding the Element id manually then follow the below-given HTML code, Kindly use the “#” in place of the website name and in “Put your Website on-site-page name”.

<a href=”#”  id=”element id(XYZ)”>  Aritic Pinpoint marketing automation tool</a>

8. When you will create the On-site campaign builder then without selecting the style of your page, It will not create the builder. Select the style page here, you can create the format as you want.

9. Before creating the builder,  you need to create the visitor form from Assest to get the information from website visitors.

10. At here you can write the content of the pop-up page.

onsite widget campaign

11. Once you will be done the all the steps then click on “Close Builder”.

12. Click on the Save & Close button to save all the information and go back to the previous screen.

13. Copy the Javascript code from here and paste it into the WordPress post page, when you will edit the post there you need to paste the code.

14. Click on “Post” >> Choose you to post page and “Edit” it.

15. At here paste the copied code of your Aritic PinPoint On-site campaign javascript code. this should be mandatory for the On-site-campaign pop-ups.

Note:- Paste the javascript code before adding the HTML code. If you don’t have an element id then you will need to add it manually in the HTML code on the WordPress website any Element id you need to put in the Aritic PinPoint Element id place.  If you are adding the Element id manually then follow the below-given HTML code, Kindly use the “#” in place of the website name and in ” Put your Website on-site- page name”.

<a href=”#”  id=”element id(XYZ)”>  Aritic Pinpoint marketing automation tool</a>

16. Click on “Update” for updating the existing page of those you have edited.

17. Once you update the page, you can able to preview the page. when you will click on Permalink.

18. Once you will click on the link, it will redirect to the given page there you able to see the On-site- Campaign form link.

19. Click on On-site campaign form link as in the example shown in the given screenshot.

20. Once you will click on that form link, the On-site campaign form will display on the screenshot. Here you can enter the required field and click on submit button. then your visitor information will be added to your contact list.On-site widgets

Note:- In the form, you can also able to add the link for downloading the white paper or any asset details that you want to download.

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