How does Link Tracking work inside Aritic PinPoint?

Through link tracking, you get to know which links on your campaign are being clicked on and which contacts made this action. This gives you an insight on subscriber engagement as well as the campaign effectiveness.

You can find the link click information in the floating segment builder. This information lets you:

  1. Create “If/Else” conditions in the automation
  2. Add conditional content to campaigns
  3. Set up “Split Test” automation
  4. Update lead or deal score
  5. Create a list segment and send targeted campaigns; and more.

By default, link tracking is enabled on all the campaigns and automation emails that have URLs; they can be manually disabled through the “Option” section under the Campaign Summary Page.

How does link tracking work?

The moment a contact clicks on the campaign link, they get redirected to one of our link-tracking domains. From there, we send them to the intended URL. Now, when the link tracking is disabled, we direct them to the intended URL and hence, the links clicked on will not get tracked.
Please Note: we only track URLs that have http:// or https:// in the beginning, and not the links that use a personalization tag or email address, i.e., %FIRSTNAME% instead of a URL.

What do I need to know about link tracking and CNAMES?

If you use CNAME and have enabled link tracking, we would still redirect your contacts to one of our link tracking domains to track that link clicks to action. However, these domains will be covered with your CNAME.

Viewing the link click the data

You can view link-click data on your reports page for every campaign and automation. The report includes:

  • Clicks: This shows you the number of unique contacts who clicked on any of the links in a campaign. This metric counts only one click per contact
  • Total link clicks: You get to know how many times each link was clicked through this metric. It includes duplicate link clicks for every contact.
  • Unique link clicks: This metric does not count duplicate link clicks per contact; instead, it shows total unique clicks per link.
  • Average recipients per link click: This metric shows you the average number of link clicks per contact. The way it is calculated is by dividing the total number of clicks by the number of contacts that clicked at least once.
    Furthermore, you will get to know how well an individual link performed.
  • Did not click any link: This metric lets you know the number of contacts who did not click on any link.
  • Link tracking and plain text emails: While links in plain text emails can be tracked, embedding a URL into the text is not possible. Furthermore, when your contacts receive the email, not all email clients or devices would hyperlink your URL. Now, this gets your contacts to copy and paste your URL into the browser, which is not tracked as a link click.

[lore_alert_message type=”info”]

Now, if you want to have the look and feel of a plain text email yet want to embed links, here is what you can do: use the “Build from Scratch” > “Newsletter” template option for an email and delete all the image blocks.


Will the link click get tracked if the contact has disabled images?

Yes. Not only the link will be tracked but will also be considered as a campaign open.