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Change Campaign of a Contact from 360 View

Marketing campaigns are a powerful way to build group capacity and encourage products through different social media channels. You have to analyze the campaigns to measure the impacts on contacts and the overall effectiveness. Simultaneously, you can change the campaigns according to your requirements. 

a) Inside contact you can change the campaign of contact using two different options. Go to the Aritic dashboard and click on the ‘Contacts’ option from the left menu.

  1. First option: Select any contact and click on the drop-down menu and choose Change campaigns as shown below

2. Second option: Click on individual contact and Click on the +Add button from the campaign in the third column of the 360-degree view, as shown below, and take a look at the count.

After clicking on the “+Add” option for adding and removing a contact from the campaign, a pop-up appears as shown in the screenshot below. Choose the options as per your requirement and click on save.

3. Also, in the first column of the 360-degree view, click on the “Actions” drop-down button. A menu appears. Click on the “Change Campaigns” option as shown in the screenshot below.

4. After clicking on the “Change Campaign” option for adding and removing a contact from the campaign, a pop-up appears as shown in the screenshot below.

5. Make the changes according to your requirement and click on Save. Once done, you will be able to see the changes in the Activity area inside the 360-degree page as shown below.

6. Finally, take a look at the changed count in the Campaigns section as shown below.

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