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Install Aritic Javascript (JS) Tracking Code from Google Tag Manager

You can add Aritic Javascript (JS) Tracking Code from your Google Tag Manager account. Given the condition that, you have already added the Google Tag Manager container code to your website. Follow these steps to complete this process.

1. Copy the tracking code from your Aritic PinPoint account; can follow the steps mentioned here.

2. In a new browser or tab, login to your Google Tag Manager account >> Container >> Tags (left sidebar menu) >> New.

3. Click on Tag Configuration >> choose HTML tag for Tag Type >> give your Tag a Name >> paste the tracking code in the HTML field.

4. From Advance Settings, select “Once Per Page” from “Tag Firing Option”.

5. Click on Triggering below Tag Configuration to set up firing rules. You MUST set this up in order to fire the tag and collect analytics data. You can follow this flow:

Recommended: Set up firing rules for all pages with Google tag manager code installed. Select All Pages under Choose a trigger option.

6. Click on Save to save the new tag >> Click Publish to save container and tags.

P.S. If you have already done this, install Google Tag Manager on your website.