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How to Build a Global Segment Having all Contacts?

Aritic PinPoint has all contacts available inside Contacts menu and you can view all the available contacts within Contacts Dashboard.

To view all available and imported contacts, you should navigate to Aritic PinPoint Dashboard > Contacts > Contacts.

To do any action or trigger on all available contacts inside Aritic PinPoint, you need to build a Global Segment first and on that segment you should add an Automation Workflow, that execute on all the incoming Contacts inside Aritic PinPoint.

Building a Global Segment Having all Contacts:

1. Navigate to Aritic PinPoint Dashboard > Contacts > Segments > Create New Segment.

2. On this screen, add Segment Name as “Global Segment – All Contact”, then navigate to Filters Tab.

3. From Contact tab, select and add Email filter.

4. From Email Filter drop down, select “Not Empty“.

5. Finally “Save & Close” from top right button. Now from the Segment Dashboard you can get all the available contacts added inside this Global Segment.
