Create an Exclusion List Segment

A segment of email addresses that will never receive any email, neither from an email campaign nor from an automation campaign emails. You need to build this segment on your own and add this segment to an Automation Workflow which automatically DND the contacts coming inside the “Exclusion List Segment“.

This Segment and Workflow automatically put the contacts on DND and this way, they will never receive any email campaigns from your Aritic PinPoint account.

You can follow these steps to create an Exclusion List Segment:

Step 1: Create a Static Segment with the name “Exclusion List Segment”. You can follow this guide.

Step 2: Create an Automation Workflow on the above-created segment “Exclusion List Segment” and add an Action called “DND Contact“.

Follow this GIF:

Step 3: Once you have created the Segment and Workflow; publish the workflow. By following this, you can import the contacts inside this static segment, and as soon as they appear, the Workflow will add them to the DND, creating exclusion to be contacted.