Schedule Social Media Posts from RSS feed

Using this feature inside Aritic PinPoint Social Campaigns, you can schedule the posts from RSS Feed manually or publish all automatically, you can publish only new posts or publish even the current RSS’s posts, select the social networks where the updates will be published from the RSS’s Posts.

  1. Inside Aritic PinPoint dashboard, navigate to Campaigns > Social Campaign and from the new screen navigate to RSS Feeds tab.

2. Click Add RSS Feed button from the right side of screen.

3. To add a new RSS Feed, enter your RSS Feed url in the field Enter RSS Url from the tab New RSS. Then click on the button Save RSS Feed and your RSS Feed will be saved in the database if your plan allows you to add new RSS Feeds. When the RSS Feed is saved, you will be redirected in the RSS Feed’s page where you can configure it.

4. If you RSS Feed can’t be added because don’t has a standard format, please use the Google FeedBurner to turn it into standard RSS Feed. Then try new url to add and it should be supported. Same for images if them aren’t supported.

5. Any RSS Feed could be published both automatically or manually on the selected social networks. If you want to schedule every day only the posts you like, please disable the automatic publish of the RSS posts.