Using Rating Toolbox inside the Aritic Survey Builder

Rating toolbox is closed-ended survey questions used to represent the feedback by the respondent in a comparative form for particular products/services. It is mainly established for offline and online surveys where respondents are expected to rate a feature or attribute. Rating toolbox is a variant of multiple-choice questions used to collect information that offers relative information about a specific topic.   

  1. Go To Aritic PinPoint dashboard choose left menu and click on “Assets“, then click on “Survey Asset” as shown below .
Survey asset option

2) Now in “Surveys” page click on “NEW SURVEY” from the top right corner to create a new one .

New survey

3) Now select Survey type as “Feedback Survey” and click on next .

4) Here you can select your “survey template” . As shown in screenshot below select Rating template and click on next .

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-27-1024x431.png

5) To add a ” Rating toolbox “ inside survey builder click on rating toolbox as shown in below image .

6) With this rating option , we can give rating on a survey . 5 is extremely best and 1 is very poor .