Update Background Colors of a Layout Component from Aritic Landing Page Builder

If you want to update the background colors of landing pages, you can edit the color defaults in the settings of the Aritic landing page builder. Inside the application, you can modify and make relevant changes according to the requirement.

1. Go To the Aritic PinPoint dashboard choose the left menu and under “Assets” click on “Landing Pages” as shown below.

Landing page option

2. Click on “+Design New Landing Page” in the top right corner.

design new

3. Choose any Theme and click on “Next” as shown below.

theme selection

4. Click on ‘Inspector’ there you will get options like Attributes, background, shadows, etc.. as shown below.


5. Choose ‘Background’, here you can see the hide of different device options like Color, Image, and Gradient as shown below.

options inside background

6. In Background, you can able to change/add color, insert/edit images, add gradient, and also can remove background