Magento Integration

This article describes how to set up integration between Magento and Aritic PinPoint. This article gets divided into two major parts: 

  1. Integration of Magento and Aritic PinPoint
  2. Use case of Aritic and Automation 

You can contact Aritic Integration Support team if your account does not fall in the above category. 

You can follow the below points to track the activities of all customers through Aritic dashboard for understanding their buying journey and nurture them accordingly. 

Add Aritic API on Magento Dashboard

a) Download Magento software then you will get a plugin Aritic and Magento as Don’t forget to unzip

b) Then, copy the unzip file into the app/code folder and give a name as ‘Aritic’.

c) You can see the folder path as magento root folder/app/code/Aritic.

d) After completing, move to the root of the Magento folder and run the command: php bin/ magento module: enable Aritic Piwik–clear-static-content. 

e) You have to run-bin/magento setup:upgrade.

f) Also run-bin/