Facebook WhatsApp Integration

You can integrate your WhatsApp Business account with Aritic PinPoint and can send trigger notifications directly from Aritic PinPoint Automation Campaign Workflow. For this integration to work well, you need to complete few of the steps for your WhatsApp account to work with Aritic PinPoint. Follow these steps:

1. Configure your WhatsApp Account within your Facebook Business Manager

To get detailed information on how to do this, you can check out the guide to create a WhatsApp Account.

2. Guide to add a phone number to your WhatsApp Account

WhatsApp is a mobile-based application wherein your phone number is your WhatsApp Account. Hence, it is important that the phone number you use as your WhatsApp Account is clean. “Clean” phone number means that the particular phone number has never been registered on WhatsApp or is not an affiliate WhatsApp number. WhatsApp supports three types of phone numbers:

  • Landlines: This is one of the easiest options. However, the developer must be able to pick-up a call while setting it up.
  • Cellphones: A Cellphone number can be used without any hurdles only if it has not been used on WhatsApp in the last six months’ timeline.
  • Toll-free numbers or 1-800: Such numbers can be used only if it is capable of directly receiving SMS or voice calls. This means any number that is behind IVR cannot be used. (Incase you have a phone number that has been registered through the manual code before, it will keep working normally).

Note: The Business Manager comes with a validity checker that makes sure that the phone number you use is valid for the WhatsApp Business API use.

You can follow the phone number guide for more details on picking a valid number.

3. A verified name for your WhatsApp account is mandatory

Your selected number should also have a verified name that you will need to define. It can extend up to 256 characters, and cannot contain emojis or any word that is a variation of “WhatsApp.”

Use the Verified Name Guide for more details on setting up your name.

After you have completed above steps; Congrats!

Now you are ready to integrate your WhatsApp account with Aritic PinPoint; our customer success team will guide you take the integration ahead.

Important suggestions:

  • FAQs are updated regularly. Check the FAQ section before raising a support ticket.
  • The Developer Support team is a global team and will appreciate questions asked in ENGLISH only.
  • Ensure that are you are using multiple phone numbers for developing, testing, and production purposes.
  • Give product feedback through direct support channels. That’s the best way.
  • Equip the support team with details like logs, other support info from support nodes and health, API calls, to reproduce your issue.
  • Do not use 1-800 numbers for testing purposes.
  • Do not use A business manager account only for WhatsApp integration. If there is an existing one, try using that if available.