Foursquare Integration

In this article, you’ll learn how to Integrate with “Foursquare” in Aritic Pinpoint.

Here are the requirement:-

a) Aritic PinPoint user account

b) Foursquare user account

Follow the steps below to configure Foursquare with Aritic PinPoint:

1. Login to your Foursquare.

2. Go to Foursquare > Create Consumer Application.

3. Copy the CLIENT ID.

4. Copy the CLIENT SECRET.

5. On the top right corner of Aritic PinPoint Dashboard, go to Settings.

6. Click on “Apps”.

7. On the Plugins page, click on “Foursquare” icon

8. Now under the ENABLED/AUTH tab, you can enter your foursquare’s Client ID & Client Secret. You also have an option to either publish or unpublish it.

9. Click on Authorize App button.

10. Click on Apply button to apply the changes.

11. Click on “Allow” to grant access.

12. Click on Save & Close button.

13. Under the Features tab

13.1. You can set Enabled features of:

a) Display public profile enables profile to contract field matching.

b) Display public activity.

14. Under the “CONTACT MAPPING” fill the integration field and Aritic fields details.

15. Click on Apply button to apply the changes.

16. Click on Save & Close button to save all the information and go back to the previous screen.