NOTE: You’ll need to agree to the Custom Audience terms before you can create or edit an audience of CUSTOM type. To accept, go to this link and agree to the terms.
You can integrate Facebook Custom Ad Audience with Aritic PinPoint account and sync Aritic PinPoint segments with your Facebook Custom Ad Audience. A process of this is explained here in this doc.
To get started with this integration; you need to have a Facebook App with Basic Access.
- Create Facebook Developer account and get “Facebook App ID” and “Facebook App Secret”; for this you can follow this guide.
- After you are done with above steps; apply a Basic Level account with your Facebook, follow the guide from here.
- After you have received the Basic Level access; get the Facebook Ad account ID, how to get this ID is mentioned here.
- Now inside Aritic PinPoint; navigate to Settings > Apps.
5. Select “Facebook Custom Audiences Sync” icon.
6. Enter “Facebook Ads Account ID”, Publish the plugin and “Save”.
7. One you are done with this setting; you will get to enable the Facebook Custom Audience Sync option under Aritic PinPoint Segments.