Check Active Campaign and Automation Workflow of a Contact

Inside the Aritic application, you can view all the Active campaigns and automation workflows of individual contact. And you can also test your campaign.

  1. Go to the dashboard and click on ‘Contacts’ option from the Left menu as shown below.
Aritic dashboard

2. Click on any individual contact as shown below.

contact dashboard

3. In the third column of 360-degree view, click on “Campaigns“ drop down menu as shown below.

360 view

4. In the “Campaigns” section, you can view all the Active campaigns for individual contact as shown in the screenshot. By clicking on the Eye icon you can view the Automation workflow of contact.

campaign dropdown

5. When you click on the Eye icon you will get the preview of the campaign where you can see the Automation workflow of a contact. And you can also test your campaign using the Test your campaign option.